Band Interview: The Maine
The Maine, a band, formed in Tempe, Arizona, is established in the rock music scene. Over the years, they have lured fans into the alternative world with their raw, cutting- edge music. The band consists of John O’ Callaghan (lead singer, piano, and guitar), Jared Monaco (lead guitar), Kennedy Brock (rhythm guitar and backing vocals), Garrett Nickelsen (bass), and Pat Kirch (drums and percussion). The Maine’s been together for six years and has written, recorded, and released four albums and one EP. The band’s new album, Forever Halloween, was just released in June 2013, and they are currently co- headlining a tour in America with the band, Anberlin.
I recently got the opportunity to interview The Maine, about their time together as a band and their future. The Maine’s drummer, Pat Kirch, took the time to fill out my questions.
How have you matured (or changed) since you first started your band in 2007 to now in 2013?
PAT– I think the same way that anyone would between 17 and 23. You are exposed to new things and your tastes change dramatically over that time period. I think our sound has gone along with this change it has been really natural for us.
What is the main difference between your album Pioneer and your album Forever Halloween?
PAT– I think it is a little less scattered, which is something we wanted to do different fir Pioneer. The sound is a lot more raw, with us recording live and not editing anything it really shows off each member of the band. I think it sounds very much like how The Maine sounds and like no other band because we played everything exactly like it ended up on the recording. It was just simple which is nice. I think there is a different energy to it. It feels very alive and almost on the verge of falling apart at times.
How long did it take you to write Forever Halloween? What was your thought process like?
PAT– It is was kind of the same as it has been for ever now. John comes with an idea for a song on guitar or pin and then we all get in a room together and make it a full band song. This time we tried multiple versions of songs to see what worked better which is something we didn’t try as much on the last record. We spent two months in a room together working everything out but John had been writing for a year or more.
Any special plans after your co- headliner tour with Anberlin?
PAT– We will be releasing something we recorded not too long ago. We always are working on something. Not much more I can say about it at this point though. It is going to be a busy 2014 for us I think. Lots of touring to be done on Forever Halloween.
What category of genre would you put your music under?
PAT– I am so bad at putting us in a specific genre. I think we are a rock band; we play with guitars, bass, and drums. It is rock music at the end of the day.
What are some bands that have inspired you?
PAT– Bands that have really stood for something and that have fought for their music like Wilco, Tom Petty, and so many other bands we love.
If you got to go on tour with any band that ever lived which band would it be?
PAT– I think it would of been cool to tour with Nirvana. Right as they were exploding, would of been amazing to see the energy surrounding the band at that point.
Any inspirational words for high school students?
PAT– Everything that seems so important and stressful right now is very important and not at all at the same time.
Thank you so much for doing this.
PAT– Thank you!!!!!!
The Maine has thrived over the past few years, gaining bigger crowds of dedicated fans. Although not everyone is into rock bands, The Maine is a band worth checking out.

Hello! My name is Jamie Galyas and I am a Senior at St. John Vianney HS. I am the Managing Editor for the Lancer’s Point. I love to listen to music...