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Saint John Vianney High School's News Site.

Lancer's Point

  • Samta Claus is Coming to Town

Lancer's Point

Saint John Vianney High School's News Site.

Lancer's Point

Saint John Vianney High School's News Site.

Stephanie Fragoulias

Stephanie Fragoulias, Writer

Hi! My name is Stephanie Fragoulias and I am a Junior at Saint John Vianney High School.  This is my first year writing for the school’s newspaper, Lancer’s Point.  I’m excited to begin this process, since I love to be involved in the school community.  I have been on the Varsity Dance Team since freshmen year, as well as being a member of many clubs.  During my freshmen year, I joined the Social Justice Club, and as of last year, I am one of the club’s officers.  I am also in the Ambassador Club and volunteer my time at many school events.  I am excited to begin my first year as a journalist!

All content by Stephanie Fragoulias