Travel for the 2021 Thanksgiving Holiday

Kate Cohen, Writer

This year, holiday travelers for Thanksgiving are expected to rebound to pre-coronavirus pandemic levels, but the TSA says they are ready to handle the surge.

In 2019, a record 26 million passengers and crew passed through U.S. airport screening in the 11 days around Thanksgiving. Air travel is estimated to account for 90,000 travelers this year. 

Due to the dramatic drop in passengers because of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 had a significant decrease in passengers, whereas, in 2021, the number of passengers is just under the 2019 record. In the United States, nearly 48.3 million travelers are expected to drive for Thanksgiving. An estimated 53.4 million Americans will travel this Thanksgiving, about a 13% increase over the last year.

Airports across the country are experiencing issues with parking, said Chellie Cameron, Philliaphila airport CEO. Passengers are strongly encouraged to use offsite parking, rideshare, public transportation, or have friends or family members drive them to the airport. Uber can help travelers get to the Philadelphia International Airport through a special promotion for passengers.

 Travelers taking planes, trains, and buses should remember that these forms of transportation follow CDC guidelines, requiring all to wear a mask.