Final Exam Policies

Grade Level Term 1 Final Exams/Projects
9 A student with an A (93-100) when averaging MP1 and MP2 and with less than three disciplinary infractions in Term 1 may request to be exempt from one final exam or final project.
10 A student with an A (93-100) when averaging MP1 and MP2 and with less than three disciplinary infractions in Term 1 may request to be exempt from one final exam or final project.
11 A student with an A (93-100) when averaging MP1 and MP2 and with less than three disciplinary infractions in Term 1 may request to be exempt from one final exam or final project.
12 A student with an A (93-100) when averaging MP1 and MP2 and with less than three disciplinary infractions in Term 1 may request to be exempt from up to four final exams or final projects.

Final Exam/Final Project Information:


On Wednesday, January 19, 2022, and Thursday, January 20, 2022, students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 will be taking their Term 1 final exams/projects.  Please review the information about final assessments and discuss it with your child(ren).  Final exams/projects count as 15% of the student’s overall Term grade.  I have listed our exam and exemption policies below:



  • Any student with three or more disciplinary infractions in Term will not be exempt from final exams/projects.
  • Students in grades 9, 10, and 11 may not request to be exempt from more than one final or project.
  • If a student in grade 9, 10, or 11 requests to be exempt from more than one final or project, the student will be required sit for all final exams and projects on the designated dates and times.
  • Exemption requests must be made by students in class on Friday, January 14, 2022.
  • If your child is absent from school on January 14, 2022, your child must request an exemption by emailing his or her teacher on that day.
  • A student who is not exempt must be present on the exam day to complete a final part of the project or take the final exam. Final exams/projects will count towards 15% of the final grade for the Term.
  • Students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses do not have final exams or projects.
  • Students in PE/Health and SAT Prep class do not have a final exam or project.
  • Students who are enrolled in dual enrollment courses with either Brookdale Community College, Georgian Court University, Seton Hall University, University of Delaware along with the ECA students, must comply with the exam policy of the college or university as followed by SJVHS.


The exam schedule is below:

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

8:05…….Students in assigned rooms for Block 1 exam

8:30……. Block 1 exam/project begins

10:00…… Block 1 exam/project ends


10:40…….Students in assigned rooms for Block 2 exams

10:50…….Block 2 exam/project begins

12:20 …….Block 2 exam/project ends

12:30 Dismissal and busing


Thursday, January 20, 2022

8:05…….Students in assigned rooms for Block 4 exam

8:30……. Block 4 exam/project begins

10:00…… Block 4 exam/project ends


10:40…….Students in assigned rooms for Block 5 exams

10:50…….Block 5 exam/project begins

12:20 …….Block 5 exam/project ends

12:30 Dismissal and busing


Please note that final exam days are “open campus” days, which means students only need to be present in school for the exams they are taking. All students must be dressed fully in school uniform for exam days.  If they are not, they may not be allowed to take their exams/projects on the scheduled day but will have to do so on the makeup exam days (February 7, 8, 9, and 10th after school)


Parents must notify Mrs. Kane by telephone (732-739-0800, ext. 152) if their child(ren) will be absent on an exam day.  Students cannot take exams on days other than exam days.  Parents must provide medical documentation for their child(ren) if they will be absent on an exam day.  Should a question about this arise, parents must communicate with Mrs. Kane via email (  Makeup exams will be held on during the week of February 7, 2022. 


If you have questions about exemptions, please contact your child’s teacher or your child’s Guidance counselor.