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Saint John Vianney High School's News Site.

Lancer's Point

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Lancer's Point

Saint John Vianney High School's News Site.

Lancer's Point

Saint John Vianney High School's News Site.

Briana Bowers

Briana Bowers, Writer

Hi, my name is Briana Bowers. I am a senior at Saint John Vianney High School. I have been writing

for the Lancer’s Point since freshman year. Aside from the newspaper, I am in the Ambassador Club and

Italian Club. Outside of school I do Tae Kwon Do. I also enjoy singing and playing instruments,

especially the guitar and the drums. Music, writing, photography, and art are my passions. One day I hope I can turn my passions into a career and use them to travel the world.

All content by Briana Bowers