Grace Before Dinner

Grace Before Dinner

On November 2nd, Saint Catherine’s Parish in Middletown, Holy Family Parish in Union Beach, and the Diocese of Trenton’s Department of Youth, Marriage, and Family life are hosting a Grace Before Dinner; a night of friends, food, and of course, religion.

Grace Before Dinner is a youth event where youth groups from all around the area gather for mass and dinner, but this year, families of the students and anyone who wants to come is more than welcome. “I think it’s great that families are invited this year, it gives everyone a chance to experience the presence of God together,” reports Holy Family Parish Youth Group Leader, Adele Wright.

This year, the theme of Grace Before Dinner is “Stronger than the Storm”, after this areas experience with Hurricane Sandy. The key note speaker will feature Father Tony Richard, Chaplin of the New Orleans Saints, as he speaks of his experience with hurricane Katrina, and how with God’s guidance, we can become stronger than ever.

If anyone is interested in attending, you can register using the link below.