What does ‘Feminism’ Mean to You?
September 29, 2014
Merriam- Webster Dictionary:
: the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
Feminism is a widely thought about campaign and highly controversial topic among women and men. It started 1792 when the first important act was taken to recognize the equality between the sexes. Since then women have earned the right to vote, better education and achieved goals that some of the world believed a woman could never accomplish.
Yet, is that enough. No, feminists would say as women still aren’t completely equal to men. The feminist movement has been alive for centuries and has come a long way since, but 2014 might be the beginning of a bigger and better movement.
There are young girls who dream that when they grow up and they will do something extraordinary like being the first woman president or maybe working as a journalist. But when they achieve this dream the reality is a woman is doing the same job as another man in the same business and getting paid less. This is an example of what feminists are fighting for.
The problem with Feminism is the misconception with the connotation of the word. An endless number of people think feminism is all about hating men and believing women overall are more superior than males, but that is not it at all. When you claim yourself a “feminist” you believe that women should have equal rights to men that is the real meaning of the word. If the females and even males of the world perceive this definition of feminism the movement can grow stronger and start down the road toward gaining these rights.
Recently this year many celebrities have come out claiming themselves as feminists. On Sept. 20, Emma Watson, famous for her role as Hermione in “Harry Potter,” took on a new role as an ambassador for the UN women. She delivered an empowering speech to the United Nations on the new HeForShe movement that encourages men to stop domestic violence against women.
“Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong. … It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, not as two opposing sets of ideals. If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by what we are — we can all be freer. And this is what HeForShe is about. It’s about freedom,” said Watson.
She gave an incredible speech that had not only the women in the room but the men applauding her throughout and sparked a light for this new step toward women’s rights.
Joseph Gordon- Levitt famous actor, director, and producer,announced himself a feminist on Ellen DeGeneres’s daytime talk show earlier this year which certainly caused a worldwide trend. “There are still plenty of tensions and unfair situations that arise more so for women than for men,” said Gordon- Levitt in a recent video he uploaded a to his website hitrecord.org talking of why he is a feminist. At the end of the video Gordon- Levitt asks his viewers for some feedback by asking two questions. What does feminism mean to you? Are you a feminist, why or why not? Then record your answer and upload it to his website.
Do you believe the feminist movement is growing? What are your thoughts on feminism? Go to hitrecord.org for your voice to be heard. Now is the time to support. Watson asks “If not me, who? If not now, when?”