The Fight for Net Neutrality


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Net neutrality concept as an internet regulation idea with text and binary cade as an online technology metaphor for web freedom as a 3D illustration.

Alyssa Hickman, Writer

An ongoing issue that has recently come to light is the issue of Net Neutrality. It is the principle that prohibits internet service providers like Verizon, Comcast, and AT&T from speeding up, slowing down, or blocking any content in which they want people to use. In 2015, the Obama administration helped pressure the Federal Communications Commission to approve Net Neutrality to allow the internet to be completely open and free for all to use without disruption.

However, on Dec. 14, 2017, the FCC approved Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to get rid of the Net Neutrality protection from the internet. Pai was a former Verizon lawyer, and over the past couple months, has received a lot of negative reactions from millions of people for his idea of taking away Net Neutrality.

Many are left to wonder what the internet will be like now that there are no set rules and limitations. Now, companies such as AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon will be able to do whatever they want when deciding which websites will be fastest and more efficient. This could lead certain companies to slow down their competitor’s content or block opinions they do not socially believe in. They can also charge extra fees to those companies that are willing to pay to receive special treatment when it comes to how fast it will act.

Eliminating Net neutrality will also be devastating for certain businesses. Small businesses rely on the open internet to launch their companies and have the ability to spread the word of their product or business. Unfortunately, without an open internet, the internet companies can choose to ignore them to focus on the larger companies with more money.

Those opposed to the FCC’s decision to get rid of net neutrality are left with hope that they will reverse the vote. Those can only hope that they can convince lawmakers to use a “resolution of disapproval” to overturn the decision to undo the new Net Neutrality rules.