SJV’s Battle of the Classes
March 16, 2023
Last week, Saint John Vianney hosted their annual Battle of the Classes event. This took place at 6 PM on March 9, and consisted of the freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, with eight boys and eight girls in each grade.. In Battle of the Classes, there are around nine events of activities and at the end of them all, the judges will tally up the results to pick a winner. These events were: Egg Toss, Tug of War, 3 Legged Race, Potato Sack Relay, Eating Contest, Dodgeball, Finish the Lyric, Musical Chairs, and the final activity is a Dance, which is worth the most points.
The first event of the night was the Egg Toss. It consisted of two guys and two girls from each grade. It started out with two people standing very close to each other, and after each throw, they moved back a couple of feet. One by one, teams got picked off and eggs were cracked, until it came down to the final two teams, which were the juniors and the seniors. It came down to the final throw but it ended up being a tie, since both eggs cracked.
So, after the first event, the juniors andseniors were tied at the top with two points, sophomores with one in third, and freshman in last with zero points. The next event was Tug of War. The point of Tug of War is to try and get the full rope and pull the other team to your side. The first matchup was the freshmen vs juniors. Thejuniors were led by Luca Minardo, while the freshman were led by Hayden Lewis. The event started off even, but surprisingly the freshman quickly took control, which resulted in an upset. The next matchup was seniors vs sophomores, and it was not even close. The seniors blew the sophomores out of the water in complete domination. The final round was seniors vs freshman. The freshman held their own for a little, but it didn’t take long for the seniors to win again.
The updated scoreboard was now seniors 5, juniors 3, freshman 2, and sophomores 1. The next two events were full team events: the 3 legged race and the potato sack race. The 3 legged race is when you tape you and your partner’s leg together, and have to hop or hobble down and back. The potato sack race is when you take your two legs and put them in a sack, and hop to the other side and back. The winner of these 2 events was the same team, the juniors.
After the first four events, the juniors were in the lead with nine points, the seniors in second with seven points, and the sophomores and freshman tied for last with four points. The next event was the eating contest. For the eating contest you had to eat a whole pack of Oreos, and a whole pack of donuts. The seniors were the first one’s to finish their box, but they ended up getting caught cheating, resulting in the freshman to win.
The next event was Dodgeball. The game consisted of three guys and three girls on each team. The first matchup was juniors vs freshman again. This time, the juniors were able to wipe the floor, resulting in a quick win for them. The next game was sophomores vs seniors. It looked like the seniors were going to dominate again, but sophomore Matt Cirillo kept them in until he could do no more, resulting in another senior win. The next matchup got messed up, as it was supposed to be seniors vs juniors in the final round, but due to a mistake it ended up being freshman vs seniors, and the seniors ended up winning again.
After dodgeball, was the “finish the lyric” competition. Each grade had a boy representative and a girl representative. The competition consisted of a video going up with a song, and then the music would play. It would play for about 3-6 seconds and then you would have to finish the lyric. The challenge also allowed you to have a “phone a friend” type of twist in which you were allowed to ask someone from the stands if they knew the song. The challenge went on for a while until it came down to the final two again, the juniors and the seniors. After the challenge went on for too long, it resulted in a tie once again. The final challenge before the dance was musical chairs. Musical chairs went quickly, as the sophomores ended up winning the competition and getting much needed points. Going into the dance competition, the seniors and juniors were both tied at thirteen, the sophomores had nine, and the freshman had seven.
The dance competition was the most important event, as it had the most points on the line. Teams were tasked with coming up with a 3-7 minute dance to perform in front of the whole crowd. For the first time in SJV BOTC history, the freshman won the dance competition, securing fifteen points. Coming in second place was the seniors, getting ten points. In third place was the sophomores, getting around eight points, and in last place came the juniors, getting around four points.
The final result of BOTC had the sophomores in last place with seventeen points, the juniors in third place with seventeen points, the freshman in second place with twenty-two points, and the seniors being the Battle of the Classes champions, coming in first place.