Senior year is one of the most memorable years of our lives. So much to look forward to
whether it be the last highschool football game ever, senior prom, or big graduation day.
Everyone has different opinions on what’s fun in senior year and what’s not. When interviewing
the senior class there were a variety of answers on what is most exciting to them.
My first interview was with student Isabelle Cattelona. She said what was most exciting
to her was graduation. “Seeing my friends I have known since freshman year walk on and off
the stage is going to be a tear-jerker,” she said. Graduation is the last thing tying you to
highschool and all of your classmates before going off to college. When you spend about four
years seeing the same faces everyday, it can be hard to let go. Isabelle is not excited to let go
but she is excited to flip the page and enjoy her “last summer as a kid”.
Another senior interviewed was Kylie Ferris. Her response to what she is most excited
for in her senior year was prom. Prom is a time where all students can enjoy themselves, have
good food, and dance. Kylie said, “I am excited to dance and enjoy myself with friends.” When
students think of prom they think of wearing fancy gowns, having dates, and after prom but Kylie
said her favorite part of prom last year was spending time with her best friends.
The final student that was interviewed was Gules Cardin and she said what she is most
excited for is football games. Every Friday SJV’s football team competes against other schools
in football. For students, they are given a theme to dress up in to show support for the school.
When asked specifically what she is excited for she said, “Cheering on SJV and dressing up
with my friends gives me spirit and joy!” Students showing spirit no matter a win or a loss tends
to show a lot of how much a school can be more than a place to learn, but can be a family.