

Caroline McFarland, Writer

Politics can be a tricky subject. They are complicated, confusing, and often boring for people in our age group. But what if there was a resource that made politics easy to understand, and actually entertaining to read about? Well, there is.

theSkimm is a blog that was started by two friends in their 20’s. They started out as producers for NBC News, working in breaking news, political news, and documentaries. Eventually, they created theSkimm out of three simple realizations: “Reading the news is time consuming; wanting to read the news is a hobby; lastly, not everyone has the time or interest.” They explain, “theSkimm solves all that and makes it easier to be smarter.”

Basically, theSkimm is a great way to understand politics and current affairs, especially for people who find it confusing and/or boring. Not only do they have a “Daily Skimm,” in which they explain quite a few current events, but they also have Skimm Guides, containing articles on big topics such as The Benghazi Attacks, Equal Pay, and even Snapchat. The guides explain literally everything you need to know about the given topic. Both the Daily Skimm and Skimm guides are free, and the Daily Skimm is emailed to subscribers every morning.

theSkimm also has an entire section dedicated to the upcoming presidential election, “Skimm the Vote 2016.” They have a calendar filled with all of the important events you may want to know about, such as the dates of certain primaries. There is also a Question section and a page that explains all of the candidates, past and present.

On top of all that, theSkimm has an app. No, the app isn’t free, but it’s only $2.99 per month – trust me, it’s worth every penny. Called “Skimm Ahead,” the app gives you all of the information you need in one place.

Still unsure if you should try theSkimm out? Take two of your classmates’ words on it. Jamie Galyas, a senior at Saint John Vianney High School, is a subscriber and user of both the app and website, “Since the first time I looked on theSkimm, I have been completely hooked! It is such an informative website especially for a younger audience. theSkimm takes politics and makes the subject easy to understand so a younger crowd can stay up to date with what is going on. I think it is great to have a website like this especially during such an important year, being that we will have a new president soon.”

She continued, “I feel that not a lot of teens, who some may be first time voters, really know everything behind the presidential campaign. theSkimm makes it easy for us to understand what every candidate stands for and where they are currently in the race. I love theSkimm and believe that more young adults should know about it!”

Julia Aleo, also a senior at SJV, added her input, “I love theSkimm because it’s easy to understand. I really enjoy hearing and reading news, but sometimes I literally have no idea what they’re talking about, especially when it comes to politics. theSkimm is great with giving helpful background information about a topic, and also has a great page on the 2016 candidates. I think that although it appeals to younger audiences, all ages can relate. Sometimes the news is confusing for everyone. theSkimm makes it simple! I suggest everyone who wants to know more about news or politics to read it.”

So there you have it, theSkimm is an amazing resource for those of us who not only want to be in the know, but also those who have a hard time following current events. theSkimm truly makes things simple. Why not give it a try?