Two Years and Still in Recovery

Kristin DiPede, Writer

Two years ago on October 29 superstorm Sandy devastated the state of New Jersey, specifically the Jersey Shore. Since then, recovery efforts have been taking place. Some major hot spots had to be demolished completely, and others were able to be rebuilt, or are still in the process of rebuilding. Many of New Jersey’s iconic landmarks are left in the dust, but others are under construction.

The Shack, a building that was once located on the border of Long Beach Island, was destroyed in Sandy. A run-down structure that served as a landmark was close to people, and is unable to be brought back. “I feel like I’ve lost an old family friend,” Elijah Rockhill wrote on the Save our Shack on LBI Facebook page.

Countless memories are created and remembered forever from these landmarks. Monmouth University Professor Peter Reinhart, director of the school’s Kislak Real Estate Institute, told Asbury Park Press, “Everyone’s love and history of the Jersey Shore is shaped by sensory memories, remembering the sights, sounds and smells of the Jersey Shore. Some of that vision memory is only just that now—a memory.”

The Long Beach Island Trailer Park in Holgate was rebuilt after the March 1962 nor’easter, but was not rebuilt again after Sandy demolished it. The Sea Gull’s Nest in Sandy Hook still remains closed to this day because of its estimated $2 million to repair by owner Ed Segall. McLoone’s Rum Runner, owned by Tim McLoone and his wife Beth, do not expect the restaurant and bar to reopen until summer 2015. Donovan’s Reef in Sea Bright, was smashed during Sandy and reconstruction of the building has still not began even though permission was given. Joey Harrison’s Surf Club in Ortley Beach is uncertain when the rebuilding will even begin.

“So, while the memories will remain, new ones will be created with the new structures,” Reinhart said to Asbury Park Press.

Although the landmarks are being rebuilt, individual residences are still in the unknown. Countless people have mixed feelings about how much Sandy recovery is helping them. Monmouth University and Asbury Park Press conducted a poll to discover what people think about Sandy recovery.

The first poll asked, “Do you think the state has been doing a good job or bad job helping New Jersey residents who still need to repair their homes?” The majority of people, 45 percent, said the state has been doing a poor job of helping people repair their homes. Forty one percent of people think the state has been doing a decent job of helping people repair their homes and fifteen percent don’t know. The second poll asked, “Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with New Jersey’s Sandy recovery effort so far?” The bulk of people, 38 percent, were somewhat satisfied. Eighteen percent were somewhat dissatisfied, 17 percent were very dissatisfied, 16 percent were very satisfied, and 10 percent of people don’t know.

These polls identify how people truly feel about New Jersey’s assistance in aiding people rebuild their homes. The mainstream of people are dissatisfied with the state’s aid and feel left hanging out in the cold. Having a positive outlook that New Jersey will help people is slowly diminishing. Whether the state will help them with repairs or not is unknown at the time.

Director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, Patrick Murray, claimed in a statement, “A majority of New Jersey residents are positive about the recovery effort, but the fact that we still have much to do to get people back in their homes tempers those positive feelings. It also makes us wonder whether we can handle the next storm.”