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Saint John Vianney High School's News Site.

Lancer's Point

  • Happy New Year SJV!!!

Lancer's Point

Saint John Vianney High School's News Site.

Lancer's Point

Saint John Vianney High School's News Site.

Kristin DiPede

Kristin DiPede, Writer

Hi! My name is Kristin DiPede and I am a writer for the school newspaper, Lancer’s Point. Right now, I am a senior at Saint John Vianney High School and have been writing for Lancer’s Point for four years. I enjoy reading, writing, and watching movies. Since I was young I have loved to write stories and continue to enjoy it. At school, I participate in the Ambassador Club and run track, and outside of school I am part of a travel softball team. I am looking forward to the year ahead with the school newspaper!

All content by Kristin DiPede